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Allowlist Astro IP addresses

Each Astro cluster has a group of IP addresses that Deployments on your cluster use to connect with external systems. To connect Astro with external services, you might need to allowlist Astro IPs in those services.

A cluster's IP addresses are the same for as for all Deployments in the cluster.

Retrieve external IP addresses for a Deployment

Retrieve external IP addresses for an individual Deployment if you are using standard clusters or otherwise don't have access to your Organization's Clusters page.

  1. In the Astro UI, select a Deployment, then click Details.
  2. Copy the IP addresses under External IPs
  3. Optional. Add the IP addresses to the allowlist of any external services that need to interact with Astro.

Retrieve external IP addresses for a cluster

Retrieve external IP addresses for an individual Deployment if you are using standard clusters or otherwise don't have access to your Organization's Clusters page.

  1. In the Astro UI, click your Workspace name in the upper left corner, then click Organization Settings.
  2. Click Clusters, then select a cluster.
  3. In the Details page, copy the IP addresses listed under External IPs.

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