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astro deployment user


The behavior and format of this command differs depending on what Astronomer product you're using. Use the following tabs to change between product contexts.

Manage Deployment-level users.


This command has several subcommands. Read the following sections to learn how to use each subcommand.

astro deployment user add

Give an existing user in a Workspace access to a Deployment within that Workspace. You must be a Deployment Admin for the given Deployment to run this command.


astro deployment user add --email=<user-email-address> --deployment-id=<user-deployment-id> --workspace-id=<user-workspace-id> --role=<user-role>


OptionDescriptionPossible values
--deployment-id (Required)The ID for the Deployment that the user is added toAny valid Deployment ID
-e,--email (Required)The user's emailAny valid email address
--role (Required)The role assigned to the userPossible values are DEPLOYMENT_ADMIN or the custom role name. The default is DEPLOYMENT_ADMIN.
--workspace-idThe workspace assigned to the DeploymentAny valid Workspace ID

astro deployment user list

View a list of all Workspace users who have access to a given Deployment.


astro deployment user list --deployment-id=<deployment-id>


OptionDescriptionPossible values
--deployment-id (Required)The Deployment whose users you want to viewAny valid Deployment ID
--workspace-idThe Workspace whose users you want to viewAny valid Workspace ID

astro deployment user remove

Remove access to a Deployment for an existing Workspace user, the command line prompts you for the user email address or user ID for the user you want to remove. To grant that same user a different set of permissions instead, modify their existing Deployment-level role by running astro deployment user update. You must be a Deployment Admin to run this command.


astro deployment user remove --deployment-id=<deployment-id> --email=<user-email-address> --workspace-id=<workspace-id>


OptionDescriptionPossible values
--deployment-id (Required)The Deployment from which to remove the userAny valid Deployment ID
-e,--email (Required)The user's emailAny valid email address
--workspace-idThe Workspace from which to remove the userAny valid Workspace ID

astro deployment user update

Update a user's role in a given Deployment.


astro deployment user update --email=<email=address> --deployment-id=<deployment-id> --role=


OptionDescriptionPossible values
--deployment-id (Required)The Deployment that you're searchingAny valid Deployment ID.
-e,--email (Required)The user's emailAny valid email address
--roleThe role for the user.Possible values are DEPLOYMENT_ADMIN or the custom role name. The default value is DEPLOYMENT_ADMIN.

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