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View metrics for an Astro Organization

Organization metrics help Organization Owners and Billing Admins track resource usage across all Workspaces in Astro. Use Organization metrics to identify Deployments that could have their resource usage optimized.

Astro usage

The Usage page shows the total number of successful task runs across all Deployments in your Organization. To access the Usage page, click your Workspace name in the upper left corner of the Astro UI and click Organization Settings. Then, click Usage.

Usage tab in the Astro UI

The bar chart on the left shows your Organization's total successful task runs per day for the past 31 days, with each day's volume sorted by Deployment. Each color in the bar chart represents a different Deployment. To see each Deployment's number of successful task runs for a given day, you can hover over the bar chart for that day with your mouse.

The legend on the right side of the menu shows the colors used for each Deployment. This legend shows each Deployment's total sum of successful task runs over the last 31 days. The daily numbers on the left bar chart add up to the monthly total per Deployment on the right.

To export this data as a .csv file, click the Export button above the legend.

See also

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