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Run your first DAG on Astro

Astro is the industry's leading managed service for Apache Airflow.

You can quickly learn how Astro works by running an Apache Airflow DAG with either the Astro CLI or by using GitHub Actions. Either tutorial takes about 15 minutes. They each showcase different paths available for DAG development, CI/CD workflows, and code deployment options.

You'll learn how to:

  • Authenticate and log in to Astro.
  • Create a Deployment.
  • Deploy DAGs to Astro with either the Astro CLI or GitHub Actions.
  • Trigger a run of an example DAG.

Choose a tutorial

If you prefer to develop on your local machine and use command line tools, follow the steps in Run your first DAG with the Astro CLI.

If you can't install additional tools on your current machine or you prefer a no-code workflow, follow the steps in Run your first DAG with GitHub Actions, where you can see an example of a CI/CD workflow.

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